Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Not Quite There Yet #6

Welcome back to the brand new link up 
Not Quite There Yet!

This link up is specifically for non-mommy and/ or unmarried bloggers.
(We still love all you married with kids folks!)
This will be a weekly link up rotating through different social media outlets for us to connect through. I hope that this link up will facilitate the making of many new friendships and partnerships. We are all in the same boat, let's get to know each other and support each other through life's twists and turns.

Alright, let's kick this thing off!
We will be linking up our Instagram accounts this week.

You know the drill...
1. Follow your host. That's me! :D

2. Follow ALL of your co-hosts. please and thank you!

Tarole from One Haloe Girl

3. Link up your Instagram account (not your blog).
Next week we will be connecting via Twitter!

4. Find some other great bloggers and follow along.
And be sure to leave a comment so we can all follow you back!

5. Button up and spread the word!
Share this post on Twitter & Facebook!


If you are interested in co-hosting email me at 
dalayna {dot} dillon {at} gmail {dot} com.

Free ad space! Details below

Want to beautify your blog? Check out this giveaway.
Be sure to stop by tomorrow for the Bloggers for Christmas link up and share all of the holiday cheer!
Bloggers for Christmas

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  1. Hey thank you for this amazing link up, I have followed all Instagram profiles...I had made an instagram account months ago and only have one photo, Tigger lol! I will be using it more now, I am also a newbie blogger, so please do pop by when your free, and I will happily join in with all link ups and I am now following you too x

  2. Your newest follower! Thanks for hosting this super cool link up :)

