Introducing... Yours Truly
Hello and good day readers and friends of Dalayna's lovely blog! I am super excited to be over here today guest posting on this bad-boy of a blog. So thank you in advance, Dalayna, for having me here!
My name is Chelsea, and I am an early-20's blogger at Yours Truly and part-time blog designer at Yours Truly Designs. Graphic design is one of my most favorite hobbies and I am so happy that I have been blessed with the opportunity to turn my love into a job.
I'm here today to give you a couple tips on prettying up your blog (without paying someone to do it for you)!
1. Keep your blog clean. It is so tempting to squish as much as we possibly can into the small space that is our blog, but this can often be a huge turn-off to potential readers. Try to remove some of the unnecessary clutter in your sidebars, like awards or features or just random things that aren't that important.
2. KISS - ever heard of this saying? Keep it simple, stupid. I don't know why the stupid..I guess just so you can spell out KISS. But seriously - apply this when trying to pretty up your blog. LESS IS MORE! Crazy colors that are hard on the eyes (very light or neon colors), whether this be in the fonts or the background, immediately make me want to leave a blog. You can have great content, but if you have to squint to read it, why would your potential readers want to stick around for long?
3. Ditch Microsoft Paint and use PicMonkey. It supports transparency, and has super cool fonts and other little fun elements. Play around with it! You could make your own blog header or even your own blog button (which I have a tutorial for here)! And I promise, it's SUPER easy.
Hopefully these three quick tips will help you get your blog back on track to being a space you love. Always remember that Google is your best friend - if you want a tutorial on how to do anything you can basically Google it and chances are it'll be there. Thanks again to Dalayna for having me here, and be sure to come stop by my blog and say hi!
Oh PS - to help you spruce up the place a bit, I'm giving away a custom-made post signature! Enter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Great advice and hopefully I can implement some of it in the near future! Thank you!
woohooo I'm the winner! Thanks, Dalayna!!