Sunday, December 30, 2012

Do you wear glasses or contacts?

Yes? No?
Well either way, I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU!

Firmoo is a global, online, optical store to meet all of your eyewear needs. They sell men's, women's, designer, sunglasses, and other specialty glasses. I personally do wear contacts most of the time, but I like to use glasses as accessories. They are a great way to change up your look. 
I have been wanting some hipster/European (I don't really know what style they are) glasses. You know, over-sized glasses with thick rims. Yes, perhaps you have laughed at someone wearing a pair similar to these, but I can't help it, I like them! 

I found the perfect pair! This pair here from Firmoo is the pair that I picked to put a spin on my style. While I could have gotten them with my prescription, I opted not to so that I could take them off whenever I chose, rather than being stuck wearing them. I can get tired of wearing glasses after having them on all day, so it is nice that I have that option.

This was my first experience with Firmoo, but there are several things that I really enjoyed. 
1. First of all Firmoo takes the stress off of online purchases.
The only problem I have with online purchases is you don't get to try things on, see what they really look like on (in this case) your face. Firmoo eliminates that problem. They have this awesome system where you can upload or take a photo of your face, load it, and place the glasses that you are looking at on your face. Awesome, right? I would have never, and I do mean never, have been able to choose what glasses to get without this program.

2. Secondly, when I got my glasses they came with a clear, plastic case, a drawstring cover to place the glasses & case in, as well as a nice lens cloth. I really appreciated that lens cloth, it is high quality and works much better than cleaning your glasses on your shirt.

3. And finally the price!
If I were to guess, I would say that the vast majority of you who wear glasses based on need have paid well over $100 for a pair of glasses, and that would be a good price. Well, with Firmoo not only do you save major bucks on each pair, but you can get your glasses FREE, only paying for the shipping with Firmoo's new First Pair Free Program. With this new program you can try out a pair of prescription or non-prescription glasses and only pay for shipping. If you are not completely satisfied you can get a refund or exchange no questions asked. 

I was completely and overly satisfied with my new glasses. I love wearing them and I have received lots of compliments! Over the holidays, a few people couldn't resist giving them a try as well.
Who stole my glasses?
A classic game of who done it.. or perhaps this is a game of who does it best.
I have my opinion, but we will let you be the judge. 



  1. fun! I've worn glasses since I was in the 2nd grade- and LOVE the 'sexy, sassy librarian' look ;-) Just bough the husband some faux glasses for tomorrow night- happy New Year!

  2. I love these glasses, I think they are so fashion forward and you totally pull them off!

  3. Very cute glasses! Love Firmoo! ;)

  4. Hey! I just ordered a pair for free! But, I started reading online customer reviews and they were either given all 5's (really great) or 1's (really awful). Lots of people had bad experiences with ordering from Firmoo, but you didn't? I hope I don't, because I really want my glasses!
