Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Loving On

My previous post was the monthly Sponsor Showcase, showing off all my lovely sponsors with a COLOSSAL giveaway at the end of the post. Jump to that giveaway here
Well, let the sponsor love continue! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 

There is one "level," I guess you could call it, of ad space here on Pointing Up called "I-is-special." Yes that is a movie reference! Anyways, this ad spot is especially for bloggers that are partnering with Pointing Up in a special way. Today I am going to introduce to you one such blogger,
Allie blogs over at Tales of a Twenty Something Blogger. I actually only recently got aquatinted with Allie. I believe it was in the planning and promoting stage of my new link up "Not Quite There Yet". This is a brand new link up that just got kicked off last Thursday and was a big hit. Over 40 ladies linked up to say, "I'm not quite there yet, but I am enjoying the journey." This link up is specifically for bloggers who are non-mommy and/or unmarried bloggers. It is just another way for us to connect with other ladies at the same place in life that we are in. And obviously it worked! I met Allie. :D So if you are like me and Allie and aren't quite there yet, you will love Allie's blog. Even if you are already "there" (whatever that means) you will still love her.

Allie is in college and is determined to be a teacher, a second grade teacher in fact. She loves God, her family and friends, Target, frozen yogurt, nail polish, The Kardashians, country music, road trips, reality TV, and shopping. Sound like a kindred spirit already? You can keep reading all about Allie here.

To give you a little taste of some of Allie and her readers' favorite posts, here are a few of them:

Head on over and check out Tales of a Twenty Something Blogger, and show Allie some Pointing Up love!

Be sure to enter my sponsor's giveaway! (click below)



  1. I'm new to your blog & a new follower! Love it!

  2. Following from the hop, would love a follow back.
