Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Who, Who!

Isn't it funny the things that become a fashion sensation?
Mustaches, glasses, foxes, feathers, elephants, I could go on and on. One that has been a recent sensation and for some an obsession, are owls.

I don't know what it is, but owls have become quite the fashion rave. I know I love to find pieces that have out of the ordinary patterns like this dress. If it is different, I will probably like it.

And here is the best part about this little dress...
I paid $5 for it!
Yep, I am quite proud of this find I made at Plato's Closet.

Owl dress: Plato's Closet
Long black turtle neck: NY & Company
Leggings: Target
Necklace: Francesca's 
Black boots: JC Penney's 

Any of you like these weird but cute fashion fads like me?
Which ones?


  1. Such a cute dress! And what a great deal!

  2. oh yes. My sister has always loved them since we were young, way before they were trendy. So she kinda got me to love them early on too. Cute dress!

  3. I like that dress a lot!
