Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I would like to share something incredible with you...
About a year ago I was listening to the radio and they were trying to get sponsors through the organization World Concern for a small, impoverished village named Lietnhom. World Concern has a 3 year strategy to revitalizing a village. They help them by:
1. Educating children and training adults in job skills
2.Improving farming to increase food security
3. Establishing a local economy through microfinance and village banking

Lietnhom has been a struggling village for a long time due to Civil War. Most recently, in 2008, Lietnhom was attacked by a neighboring tribe. Many homes were burned and many people temporarily displaced. Some were also killed.
As I listened in on the radio, the Lord challenged me to get involved. The truth is, I don't normally get pulled in to sponsorships like this. I faithfully give to particular missionaries and ministries every month. Nothing against these kind of sponsorships,  but I have never really felt the Lord leading me to commit to this kind of support, but this time was different, so I called and made the commitment to see the village of Lietnhom transformed. I give every month, but I don't see the changes. I get the updates from World Concern, but it just seems so far away.

The other night I was reading one of the updates from World Concern about the village and how it was doing when a light bulb came on in my head... Lietnhom, SOUTH SUDAN. I knew where it was located, but I hadn't realized that I would be going to the border of Ethiopia and South Sudan this very month. Bonga, Ethiopia is very close to the border and that is exactly where I will be going at the end of this month to tell people who have never heard about Jesus. This was quite a surreal moment of realization for me that brought tears to my eyes. You see I had questioned if I made that challenge from the Lord up to support Lietnhom through World Concern. I think we all question whether we hear from the Lord from time to time. I figured, "Well even if I made it up it is still a great cause to support, it definitely isn't a bad thing to get involved with." But there is just something about knowing you are doing exactly what God asked you to do. God knew over a year ago that I would be traveling to Bonga, he sent me even then, and he will go with me now.
I am so excited for what God is going to do at the end of this month. We can send villages all the money we have, but there is nothing more valuable we can give them than the message of Jesus Christ.

Because I owe Him my all, I give them my all.

If you would like to get involved with my missions trip to Ethiopia you can donate through PayPal.
Read more about my trip here.

Apples of Gold


  1. wow, that is so amazing! it is a true testimony that God is real and He plans things accordingly for His glory. such an awesome post to read this morning! may God be with you on your trip and be blessed!
