Tuesday, June 19, 2012

let's evaluate shall we?

So, several weeks ago I posted about "The Summer Push," about how I was NOT going to let this summer come and go without notice. I wrote out some of my summer goals, but the thing about goals is they can so easily be forgotten. I was reading a blog earlier about dreams, which are much like goals, only goals are more obtainable in my mind. 
Goals are the baby steps to our dreams. 
Anyways, in this blog it was giving some points on how to dream big, reach for your dreams, and see your dreams happen. One thing that they emphasized was how easy it is to lose sight of your dreams. The same is true with your goals. (You can read my original post here.)
It is easy for me to make these summer goals and never do a thing to accomplish them. Some things that I have learned as I have been striving to reach my goals is:
1. It is important to be vocal about your goals. Goals easily fade when they are not renewed in your mind. The more you talk about it and get excited about the end result the more focused and determined you are.
2. Make check points along the way. For example, I had a goal of running some 5K's this summer, so one checkpoint has been to run so many days a week, to finish the couch to 5K app, to be consistent with my workouts. These checkpoints keep me on the path to accomplishing my goal.
3. Evaluate. Every so often it has been important for me to stop and evaluate where I am on my way to reaching my goals. How much have I done? Have I progressed? Am I closer to my goal? To be honest, there are some of my goals that I am not any closer to reaching now than at the beginning of the summer! (ugh!) BUT, I have evaluated and have made a plan on how I am going to get on track and reach my goals.
Whew, that is tough stuff... motivation! We can do it! I know I heard from some of you that you had made some summer goals, how are you doing? Any victories? Any struggles? Do share. :)

I think support and accountability is the best way to reach your goals. We can sometimes do things on our own, but it is so much more fun and rewarding to share them and do them with other people. 
Sooooo, here is a little fun way we can support and encourage each other to make this summer count and reach our goals. Let's use twitter to share our victories, struggles, success, lack of motivation, sources of motivation, etc. We can tag each other and then use the hash tag #thesummerpush. Let me know if you are in and I will tag you in the tweets and you can do the same. 

Sidebar, today is the Tuesday Tango. I have really been enjoying this link up the past couple of weeks (especially because it feeds my love for Instagram!). Go on over to City Corporate to Suburb Mama's blog, link up and meet up with some amazing bloggers.

Have a wonderful Tuesday! And lets use TODAY to get closer to reaching our goals.

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