Sunday, June 3, 2012

Just yesterday I told someone, "Oh my goodness... it is JUNE!". How does that always happen?? I went to a Starbucks the other day and they are already counting down to Christmas... CHRISTMAS! Summer is already here, but no sooner than it arrived it will end. I have decided to make this a productive summer. I don't want the summer to run away from me without reaching any of my goals. So, I have done just that, I have made a list of things I would like to accomplish this summer. Here's a look at some of my goals I am working towards this summer:

* Developing a more intimate prayer life. I want to pour out my heart before my Lord, and be so close with Him that I know His heart and hear His voice. (<3 Him!)

* I want to get into better shape. (I know, it had to be in there!) Summers are always the best and easiest time for me to reach my health goals.

* Run some 5K's. (Including the color run! Stoked about that one!)

* Learn Spanish. Obviously I would be setting myself up for failure if I thought I would be fluent by the end of the summer, but I want to learn some vocabulary and sentence structure. At least the basics.

* Start planning and writing a book that my friend Rachel and I want to co-author.

* I also want to read a couple of books this summer. Not just start reading some books, but FINISH the books I start! (oops!)

Well, there it is. I will be motivated. I will accomplish my goals. I will not waste this summer!
What are some of your goals for this summer? The more you talk about your goals the more excited and motivated you will be! Comment and let us know.
Happy Summer!


  1. OH I'm so glad that I found your blog!!
    Already I can tell that you have a beautiful heart!
    A lot of your goals resinated with me and are similar to mine.
    Come say hi over at my blog and lets be friends!
    Amber Dawn
    ps, I'm doing the color run too!

  2. Yaaay :) I love your site! So stinkin' cute!

  3. Hi! I LOVE the new look! Haven't had time to look through it until now. And yes...I want to work on the book thing for sure!

  4. I love your blog and your spirit...following you now. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, The Tiny Librarian. You inspired me to think about my own summer goals. I would like to write a book and learn Spanish as well (maybe not all this summer). It love your goal to develop a better relationship with the Lord (I am always trying to do this!). :)
