Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sweet November

 November. Sweet November. (sigh)
November is seriously my favorite month. There is just something, no everything, so beautiful about November. Of course it is fall, which I love, but it is the month of thankfulness, of gratefulness, and there are so many memories intertwined with the month of being with family. When this month hits people start blowing up Facebook with their daily status that says what they are thankful for that day. Not to degrade or belittle what they are doing. It is so good to remember what God has done for us in order to have a grateful and soft heart.

Side note!
I got online this morning to find that I am at 592 GFC followers. What? How did that happen? I am absolutely more encouraged by page views than GFC followers, but still, almost 600 people have "followed" me? Thank you. All of you. I really love and appreciate you all reading and following along. I hope that something I have said has made you laugh a little, inspired you some, and made you love Jesus more.
I would like to offer all of my readers the opportunity to be a sponsor. I love connecting and getting to know my sponsors month to month. If you would like to sponsor Pointing Up, use the promo code DISCOUNT for 50% off all ad spots, or use the promo give-me-five to score a trenta (200x350) ad spot for just $5. 
I appreciate you all! Become a sponsor here.

Back on track here...
If you did not know, I am a youth pastor. Surprise, surprise. hehe
So far this month we have been talking about our story. We each have one. If you are like me you are used to calling this story your testimony. Well we all have one, and they are important, though all very different. I used the illustration of Facebook friend history. Now you may not have ever noticed this, because it is a new thing to me. On Facebook you can go to one of your friend's wall and click this little button that says "friend history" or something like that. Then Facebook shows you ALL the interaction you have had with that person dating all the way back to when you added them in the first place. Pretty cool, huh? It is fun to go back and see how your friendship has progressed with a person. That idea is a perfect example of what our stories or testimonies are. They show our history with Jesus dating all the way back to when we first accepted Him as our Savior. Here are a few things that describe our testimony:
1. They give all credit to God.
Our stories should give glory to God. They should say "look what God can do!"

2. They encourage everyone listening to worship God.
Our stories can move people, touch people, and encourage people.
Moves them to worship God for what He has done in our lives, touches them by softening their hearts to God and His power, and encourages them to know God can do the same thing in their lives.

3. And finally our story brings joy and freedom.
By telling people what God has done it brings us confidence and joy even in difficult situations because we know God is able to rescue us again.

We all have a story. And it is important, not just for our own benefit, but also for others.

Psalm 71:5-8 I feel like perfectly describes my story and testimony of being blessed beyond words by being raised in a Christian home. For so long I listened to the devil's lie that I didn't have a story, I didn't have a testimony, because I hadn't been addicted to drugs or been suicidal, or something crazy like that, and God rescued me just in time. My story isn't anything like that, but I still have one. I was still saved by grace, and it is a miracle that I haven't given in to temptation and to the darkness of this world.

"For you have been my hope, O Sovereign Lord,

    my confidence since my youth.

From birth I have relied on you;
    you brought me forth from my mother’s womb.
    I will ever praise you.
I have become like a portent to many,
    but you are my strong refuge.
My mouth is filled with your praise,
    declaring your splendor all day long."

Sharing our story sustains a grateful heart and it is a personal witness to who God is. We were all called to be God's witnesses and share the gospel. Sure we can share the gospel, but we aren't a witness to it. We were not there when Jesus was crucified or when He was raised from the dead, but we were there when He saved us. And every time He has healed, provided, comforted us, we were there for that.

Psalm 130:1-5
Let all that I am praise the Lord;
    with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
Let all that I am praise the Lord;
    may I never forget the good things he does for me.
He forgives all my sins
    and heals all my diseases.
He redeems me from death
    and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
He fills my life with good things.
    My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!

A message to all you non-mommy and/or unmarried bloggers:
Be sure to come back tomorrow and link up for "Not Quite There Yet". We are going to be linking up with our Twitter accounts. I would love to have you!


  1. This is a great post! I'm especially working on #2 right now. :) xo C

  2. So well written!! I've blogged about sharing our stories with others before. Everyone has a story...a different story...a story that will connect to someone else, but we have to share it for God to work through it. Whether it be actually telling how God has changed you or just loving on people, that's what we're called to do. I think so many people struggle with finding their "story" so I think it's awesome that you posted about this and used the analogy of the Facebook friend history (which I think is awesome!!!). Anywho-great post! Be blessed :)

  3. hi dalayna, just found your blog from Oh So Amelia. i love this post. i have felt like that sometimes because i grew up in a christian home, and i haven't gone down the paths of addiction either, but as i look at my life i can totally see His hand writing my story. great, great reminder!

    newest follower!

  4. Congrats on almost 600 followers!

    x Ellie @ Ellalogy 

  5. I am so excited I am now following you! I know you are going to be such an inspiration to me! I read that you are a youth pastor!! well I am currently going to school for Christian Counseling and also Ministry and working as a youth pastor is one of the things I hope to do when I finish. I hope to work with women and youth as well as a counseling business. I am currently leading the youth program at my church and this is our first year to have it so I am excited and at them same time nervous :) OK sorry this is such a long comment I seriously could go on forever about so many thing I am excited about, HA
    I hope you have a blessed day and I look forward to reading more and getting to know you!

    Cat @ This Little Life of MIne

  6. I agree, we all have a story to tell and how we tell it is as important as the story itself.

    New follower from Thumpin Thursday
    Jill @ And Life Goes On

  7. Hi Dalayna,
    I'm following you back from Thumping Thursdays. Thank you for stopping by. I look forward to reading more about your stories.

