Monday, September 10, 2012


Hey all you coffee lovers! Today is the day that we celebrate our beloved drink, COFFEE!
We are linking up our stories, recipes, favorite flavors, and memories made with coffee in hand. Anything about coffee and how much you love it goes! Best part is you get to meet other coffee addicts, yay! 
* This is not an intervention d: *

Today is devoted to cherishing the smooth, delicious, therapeutic, breath-taking aroma, known as coffee. Some enjoy a cup to get their day going, others for a boost of energy, a social gathering, or just a little treat. Whatever the reason we all enjoy it just the same. Today I will be brief (you can read all about where my love first began in previous link up posts) and share this cute cute song with you. Sip away and enjoy this tune.

Let's get things kickin'
This is only our 3rd month for this link up, and I am excited to see how it has grown. Shooting for 40 link ups this week. Yes, this is much smaller than the average link up, but I am hoping this small, shall I say intimate? kind of link up allows for more interaction, more networking, and more READERS rather than followers.

1. Link up your post about your love of coffee
2. Follow all of your hosts (the first 5 links)
Dalayna @Pointing Up
3. Meet your fellow coffee lovers :D
4. Enter the awesome caffeinated giveaway from our lovely hosts after the linky.

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powered by inlinkz

<Coffee Cards designed by Yellow Umbrella Designs>

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Good morning! Thanks for hosting! I'm making coffee right now, I'm so excited!

  2. Thanks for letting me co-host with you! :) Happy Monday!

  3. Hey there!

    Stopping by from the GFC blog hop today :)

    I´m a new follower!

    Smooches from Germany and have a nice day!
    Anni // Grapefruitprincess ReLoaded

  4. After reading this, I'm craving ANOTHER cup of coffee, even though I've already had 2 today! Yum! Found you on the GFC blog hop and am now following you. Would love it if you could visit my humorous blog site and follow back. Thank of sharing!

  5. Hi! following you from blog hop will you follow back.
    Patricia from Topiary Rose

  6. Saw you on the blog hop.

    I'd say Maxwell House is my coffee. No fancy drinks really for me, just straight up coffee in a pot that can be brewed at any given time of the day, because I drink the stuff all day long! :P

    Now, I will drink my coffee.. haha!

    Steph xx

  7. Great idea for a hop! I'm a BIG coffee lover :)
